My Art Registry

You are an artist or an art collector? Register your prints via our online tool or search easily for artworks with it! Hahnemühle offers this exclusive service completely free of charge.

The ‘My Art Registry’-website is divided into two sections:
In the public area you will find all registered artworks. Recently uploaded images are displayed first. You can search by artist, title of an artwork or certificate number.
The administrative area is for artists who want to register their artwork. To manage the works of art, a free registration is required.

Coming soon: My Art Registry 2.0


BLÜTE, Acryl on Canvas, 70x100, Gemälde Nr. 38, 05/2022

BLÜTE, Acryl on Canvas, 70x100, Gemälde Nr. 38,  05/2022
© Katja Kirseck
Artist Katja Kirseck
Print Title BLÜTE, Acryl on Canvas, 70x100, Gemälde Nr. 38, 05/2022
Certificates (1)

#000038 (Rooster)

Description Serie ROMANTIK 1.1
Media Type CANVAS
Upload date 2022-06-02
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Katja Kirseck

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