In 2023, we teamed up with award-winning Alaskan artist and filmmaker Max Romey, founder of Trailbound Sketches, for the annual Green Rooster project. His mission: colorful storytelling in painted artworks, films and educational online watercolor tutorials on sustainability and environmental pollution to reconnect people with the planet.
We partnered with Max and his team to produce his documentary short film Footprints on Katmai. This story follows his late grandmother's footsteps to Katmai Alaska, one of the most remote and bear-strewn beaches on the planet. For two weeks Max, a team of volunteers, scientists and the founders of Ocean Plastics Recovery Project spent every day trying to remove as much marine debris as they could from the otherwise pristine and wild coastline. Max documented every shoe he found by way of paint brush, paints and on sustainable Hahnemühle paper. He wondered why so many shoes end up on these uninhabited beaches? As he filled up his sketchbook with paintings and prints of other people’s lost shoes, he also learned from the scientists that for all the plastics that washed up on these beaches, most of what remains will never be retrieved because it is too small — microplastics. He learned that the ocean is full of microplastics. In some places the microplastics outnumber vital marine organisms, like phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are tiny plants that live in the water and responsible for decarbonization and producing ~ 50% or more of the air we breathe! Every other breath we take is thanks to phytoplankton and that can only exist in clean seas.
For more than four centuries clean water has been the foundation of Hahnemühle´s sustainable paper production. So it felt natural that we commit to supporting a film project that helps educate, and organizations, like the Island Trails Network (Alaska) that lead important efforts to prevent and remove marine debris from our oceans. In 2023, the Island Trail Network collected over 18 tons from the beaches of Kodiak, Alaska - supported by Hahnemühle. For 2024, a recycling system for the majority of the removed plastics will be initiated locally.
By supporting Max, who is an artist, environmental storyteller and filmmaker, we aim to contribute to the understanding of the huge task we all face. We all leave behind footprints, and we can all do our best to make sure those footprints don’t have a negative impact on faraway places like Katmai in Alaska. The film Footprints on Katmai will be shown in film festivals and classrooms beginning in May of 2024. This Green Rooster project is in line with our motto #protectwhatmatters and perfectly demonstrates our commitment to nature conservation and environmental education through artistic endeavors.
The movie trailer can be watched here.

The world´s first bookprinting paper made of Hemp is a passion project of photographer and climate impact storyteller Maren Krings and our team at Hahnemühle. When Maren came up with the idea of her book on the re-invention of industrial hemp printed on hemp paper, our product managers, quality department team and well trained paper technologists got into action.
Since 2016 Maren Krings has tracked the rediscovery of industrial hemp in five continents. At the same time Hahnemühle expanded the „Natural Line“ range of papers made of Bamboo, Agave, Sugar Cane and Hemp fibres. Plant-based pulp for papermaking is a natural progression for Hahnemühle as paper was made from plant-based textile rags until the industrial revolution. Hahnemühle invented at first a sustainable Hemp paper for photography, followed by drawing and most recently, a premium Hybrid Hemp paper for print and book publishing.
Initially Hahnemühle supported Maren Krings photo exhibition 'Hemp’s Potential' which was printed on Digital FineArt Inkjet Paper Hahnemühle Hemp. The genuine plant-fibre based paper from our „Natural Line“ is made of 60 % Hemp fibres and 40 % cotton linters – a leftover from the oil and textile industry – and was launched 2019. At the beginning of 2021, we launched a new 80 gsm sketch paper made of hemp. Both papers – from our digital and traditional artist paper range - became the foundation for the paper in the book „H is for Hemp“.
The uncoated papers were printed on HP PageWide T250HD for the book blocks on Hybrid Hemp 80gsm and the covers on 280gsm Hybrid Hemp paper on a sheet-fed HP Indigo Commercial Press at Elanders Germany.
Hahnemühle supports the 100% tree-free book with our very own environmental initiative Green Rooster which is a unique environmental initiative in the paper industry.

At the foot of the Solling mountains between the Harz and Weser rivers, Hahnemühle has been producing with natural spring water for more than four centuries. Our production site for the finest papers is located in a landscape conservation area not far from the Harz National Park. Accordingly, our paper production is environmentally friendly, sustainable and strictly controlled. Even when it comes to our main raw material, cellulose, we make sure that it comes from sustainable forestry and use only from FSC and PEFC certified plantations.
We are therefore directly connected to the forest and are involved in our Green Rooster Initiative 2021 and 2022 right on our doorstep. We support the "Bergwaldprojekt - Mountain Forest Project" in the Harz Mountains, the oldest German and internationally recognised forest conversion project. Under the motto "PLANTING UP against climate change", we plant native trees such Sycamore maple, black alder and larch, and in protected areas also beech and fir in existing forests. In so-called "forest weeks", volunteers and we as the Hahnemühle team plant robust seedlings in the Harz mountains.
In 40-60 years, many Green Rooster trees in the Harz will then be valuable CO2 reservoirs in ecologically stable mixed forests. This strengthens the ecosystem properties of forests (erosion control, water storage, biodiversity and landscape cooling) and improves their resilience to disturbances such as climate change.
Since 1993, the Mountain Forest Project has been working to protect, preserve and care for the forest and to promote an understanding of the interrelationships in nature. The aim is to encourage a broad public to use natural resources in a way that is compatible with nature through work in the forest ecosystems. More information about the mountain forest project can be found at:

Prints for Wildlife – the international photo fundraiser – was back in summer 2021 and once again supported by Hahnemühle. The second edition of #printsforwildlife raised the tremendous amount of more than 1 Million US-Dollar as donation for African Parks, a non-profit organisation, to continue their protection work for vital wildlife and communities in Africa.
More than 170 wildlife photographers, including renown international and emerging local talents, donated their images for exclusive limited editions on Hahnemühle Natural Line Hemp paper. Our collaboration with Prints for Wildlife is ‚conservation‘ at its best: More than 9500 limited edition prints went out to Africa fans and photo art collectors all over the world to raise awareness for the wildlife and people in protected areas during the challenging times of Covid-19.
Supported by our very own Hahnemühle Green Rooster initiative we donated our sustainable sourced Hemp paper for all fine art inkjet prints. It is the perfect medium for all these impressive wildlife imageries and the best ambassador for sustainable nature and environmental protection. Printing to perfection and shipping has been done by The Print Space in UK and Germany.
Prints for Wildlife is a passion project by the first global Hahnemühle Natural Line Ambassador and Wildlife photographer Pie Aerts @pie_aerts and Marion Payr @ladyvenom. As we at Hahnemühle share their love for conservation of wildlife and safeguarding of ecosystems in Africa we featured the Prints for Wildlife project and photographers prominently here on our blog and Instagram @hahnemuehle_imaging in our Hahnemühle Photography Month 2021.

More than 100 photographers and one cause: hope for Africa's animals, nature and people in times of Corona. This is the idea behind in short. The world’s best wildlife and ‘rather’ small local photographers contribute their strongest images to help with this print fundraiser campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their images were sold as limited FineArt prints for charity. Hahnemühle proudly supported the project with the new and for its sustainability awarded Hahnemühle Hemp paper from the Natural Line. The paper fit perfectly for more than 6000 prints of thrilling and emotional wildlife photographs that #printsforwildlife has sold around the world. We are also financially involved in the campaign with a donation from our own Green Rooster Initiative. The Prints for Wildlife proceeds and Hahnemühle's Green Rooster donation will go to African Parks, a non-profit organisation that manages 18 nature reserves in 11 countries.
"Prints for Wildlife" ran from 26 July to 26 August 2020 ... and will continue because of its great success. Click for updates on the project.

“致敬鲜花”是摄影师Richard Fischer的一个展览项目,旨在关注世界各地花卉品种的持续大幅减少。“三分之一的植物物种将在十年内消失这一事实使得我的艺术极具重要性。”Fischer先生说到,“作为一名艺术家,我深信艺术在创造和转变方面的力量,我相信,视觉再现可以激发新的思维方式,全新的体验形式可以丰富人们的认知。生物多样性是一种宝贵且不可替代的资源……”这种情感通过印在哈内姆勒精美的数字美术用纸上的50多件大幅美术摄影作品得到完美表达——其中一些美术用纸属世界一等品,由生长迅速的可再生原材料制造而成。Richard Fischer将于2019年10月12日到2020年1月5日期间在阿姆斯特丹附近的阿尔斯梅尔花卉艺术博物馆举办由哈内姆勒赞助的展览“致敬鲜花”,以展出他最新的作品。

在2016年的世界影像博览会期间,哈内姆勒携手哈苏大师摄影师Joachim Schmeisser及其创办的Immagis画廊,共同支持了一项伟大的事业。哈内姆勒将其从数字美术用纸样品包获取的利润捐赠给了肯尼亚的David Sheldrick野生生物基金会。在哈内姆勒于世界影像博览会期间设置的展台上,一幅标志性的大象肖像吸引了很多人的目光。这幅 <link de/digital-fineart/digital-fineart-collection/matt-fineart/p/Product/show/9/13.html _blank>德国蚀刻</link>的动物肖像印在哈内姆勒经典的数字美术系列纸张上,呈现出开放的画风和三维立体感,吸引了许多人对集哈内姆勒各纸张品种特点于一体的独家样品包的关注。最终,我们打破记录,卖出了3,000个样品包。哈内姆勒把这些利润添加到其捐赠中,将“绿色公鸡”倡议的总金额提高到30000欧元,用于支持基金会在肯尼亚饲养大象孤儿和将大象孤儿重新引入野外。展会期间,Joachim Schmeisser还在其印于A4大小的哈内姆勒美术用纸的50份“黄金巨人”主题摄影作品上为哈内姆勒粉丝进行了签名。

Stella Polaris* Ulloriarsuaq是一个摄影和电影艺术项目。在该项目中,摄影师们为格陵兰岛的发光冰山和冰川拍摄了一些动人心魄的图像和片段镜头,并运用这一系列魔法般的快照记录了这些冰山和冰川随时间推移而消失的过程。面对瞬息万变的气候,这个北极的光艺术项目构建了艺术、文化和科学之间的意识桥梁。2012年11月和2013年2月,由Nomi Baumgartl、Sven Nieder、Yatri N. Niehaus和LaaliLyberth组成的项目团队使用长曝光摄影技术,在闪烁的北极光下记录了来自格陵兰岛居民的“光信号”。Sven Nieder和Nomi Baumgartl的Stella Polaris系列摄影作品被印在大幅的哈内姆勒美术用纸上。哈内姆勒将来自收藏版本的利润捐赠给了该项目。在2014年的世界影像博览会上,哈内姆勒通过在其展台组织造纸过程展示以及邀请摄影师Sven Nieder进行艺术家签名,对该项目进行了支持。


英国的国际美慈组织 协助波哥大以南地区的家庭在该地区开展重新造林行动。该地区常年遭受山体滑坡的破坏。此次重新造林保护了景观,使其免遭进一步破坏。此次幼树种植行动由国际美慈组织与当地政府共同发起,旨在帮助人们重新站在稳固的地面上,使他们的家园重新回到稳定的土地上,这种说法虽显直白但却毫不夸张。国际美慈组织通过采购幼树来支持这种重新造林,并通过建立私立树木学校为人们提供经济视角。为恢复整个自然区域,总共需要67,000棵幼树。

该项目由Matto Barfuss发起。MattoBarfuss人称“猎豹人”,他已经与濒危物种共同生活了几个月。这种方式很好地证明了,实际上,在我们看来极具危险性的大多数生物与人类的亲近度都超过我们最初的设想。

为养成环保的习惯,我们需在一定程度上提升环保意识。在意识到这一点之后,马达加斯加野生动物保护组织Madagascar Wildlife Conservation(MWC)在阿劳特拉湖地区的小学发起了一项环保教育计划。该计划的核心是由MWC开发并在马达加斯加制作的一系列漫画。漫画的主角包括一只“bandro”(一种仅在当地可见的狐猴物种)、一只翠鸟和一只鸭子——它们代表动物,以及两个男孩和两个女孩——它们代表村民。该计划一共设计了九个问题,各问题分别侧重于阿劳特拉湖独特生态系统中的各个环境保护问题,随后,围绕该问题,大家会持续讨论并开展不同的校级项目。这些漫画书有助于学生了解他们所处环境中的问题,并带领他们学习如何以有趣和创造性的方式保护资源。这些知识随后会自然而然地融入到他们的习惯和行为中。
©Patrick Waeber; MWC